HOME PRODUCTEquipments Hand Manipulator for Stack plate

Hand Manipulator for Stack plate


Compatibility with CellSTACK and Cell Factory
Completely compatible with multi layer cell culture vessels supplied by CellSTACK (Corning) and Cell Factory (Thermo Fisher).

Reliable fillingnd disposing operations for culture media
Safe and reliable operations for filling and dispoing of culture media on culture vessels of up to 10 layers can be performed even by the least physically strong workers on site.

Simple and reliable operations
filling and disposing of culture media can be executed using simple four stage operations in accordance with the operating protocols.

Optimized for operation inside Bio safety cabinets
The sash opening sections of safety cabinets are 200 to 250 mm in height, which cannot be considered very workable. The design of this product takes into consideration such restrictive opening sections to facilitate smooth operations.

No electricity is used
Completely manual operation without any use of electricity. Utilities such as power supplies or compressed air are not required.

Made entirely of stainless steel
Made entirely of stainless steel The base unit is made entirely of stainless steel (SUS304) with mirror finish for easy cleaning and ideal for use inside clean rooms.

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